"Killer" Koresh treated by CHIROPRACTOR

Re: "Killer" Koresh treated by CHIROPRACTOR --(Killer cop was treated by by drug-addicted psychiatrist) 

Date: September 30, 2002
To: chirosci-list

Dr. BT: No, we need more well-educated and rational chiropractors. That doesn't happen when a chiro college excepts everyone who can spell thier name correctly and pass watered down pre-reqs in a community college caliber undergrad program.
You can say THAT again, Dr. T.  But this time, subscribers should RE-READ what you just wrote ... slowly, and with feeling.

Besides, doesn't saying that chiropractors should be "well-educated and rational" fall into the same category as Dr. Thompson's suggestion that chiropractors should do good research and throw out the bad? In other words, along with banalities like "We should have peace on earth," isn't this just more chiropractic "DUH" and empty lip-service? (That's a rhetorical question, in case you hadn't noticed.)

In fact, the reality is that education AND rationality don't appear to make ANY difference in a Chiropractic Byzantium --especially as it pertains to the "success" the profession currently enjoys. Take a look. One could EVEN argue that part of what APPEALS to consumers about "chiropractic" and chiropractors, IS its quackery AND its quacks. To the extent that's true, efforts to reform the profession, let's say by having "smarter" and better educated students and solid science that informs what DCs think, do, and say --this would be COUNTER-"productive"--at least as far as survival of the chiropractic organism is concerned. But, who's counting.

Let me put it this way, doctors. What's left after you clean a chiropractic house that's replete with licensed meatballs doing any-and-everything they want to patients? I would offer, an entire profession dedicated to a modality that's sometimes useful for some limited number of patients, some of the time. I wonder, given a society with limited health care resources, whether this would make ANY sense to anyone who is paying attention --not that chiropractors are in danger of consumers, legislators, and insurance companies noticing, by the way. How could they, when DCs themselves remain oblivious.