To: chirosci-list
Bill W, DC: I, for one, would be mortified if I was in a neuro ward and the first thing they check is my ileo-cecal valve via muscle-testing because "you gotta clear that out." And yes...that has been said to my face...
But then, why SHOULD any chiropractor be surprised, Bill? For example, Frank Painter (who maintains's research pageand embraces Pierce-Stillwagon "chiropractic" and Ryodoraku therapy), Anthony Rosner (an apparent Subluxationist and the Director of Research for the FCER), and Bob Dubin (newly elected President of the California Chiropractic Association who endorses "Photron Goggle Therapy" and who once said, "I know enough about medical science to distrust it. I think that's all any of us really need to know about it") -- NONE of these distinguished doctors are surprised.
In fact, that large percentage of those who use OTHER named chirodigms who were also surveyed and who I ALSO just referenced in the newest "Job Analysis"
-- in that spirit of "As New Hampshire goes, so goes the rest of the nation," I suppose -- they are not surprised, EITHER! In fact, when I point to these "chickens" sitting RIGHT ON TOP of the profession's head for all to see, the overwhelming reply from the chiropractic peanut gallery is not EVEN one of recognition -- never mind SURPRISE! I'm still not sure whether the vacant looks relate to defense, stupor or simple chiropractic coma. Maybe you can tell me.
To: chirosci-list
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000
Subject: Re: interesting thoughts
Perhaps Manga didn't know that this would mean that you'd be administering Pierce-Stillwagon "chiropractic" to patients in "Admissions" and that Dean Harman would be standing ready at the hospital "gate" armed with his Activator while the husband-wife Dynamic Duo of Chiropractic, Rosenfeld and Woolery, would play upper-cervical tag team in the Emergency Department. Down the block at another hospital, Dr. Jason Whittiker will "gate-keep" the biosphere by (as he says) "meshing together with it."
At the same time, like Manga, Anthony Rosen SOMEHOW "forgets" to mention any of this to the Veteran's Administration in his effort to worm "chiropractic" and chiropractors into "the system." In fact, he must also tip-toe through this chiropractic mine-field I've described since it does represent a large percentage of the profession today as the year-2000 "Job Analysis" technique stats attest. Stephen Perle says he's [being] "pragmatic." Oh, is THAT what this sort of chiropractoid misrepresentation is called? :-|
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000
Subject: Re: interesting thoughts
Dr. Frank Painter, DC: Read the Manga report...Manga recommended putting DC's as the gatekeepers in the hospital system for any NMS complaints...that's FIRST provider of choice.
At the same time, like Manga, Anthony Rosen SOMEHOW "forgets" to mention any of this to the Veteran's Administration in his effort to worm "chiropractic" and chiropractors into "the system." In fact, he must also tip-toe through this chiropractic mine-field I've described since it does represent a large percentage of the profession today as the year-2000 "Job Analysis" technique stats attest. Stephen Perle says he's [being] "pragmatic." Oh, is THAT what this sort of chiropractoid misrepresentation is called? :-|