Re: subluxation theory is alive and well


Subject: Re: [healthfraud] subluxation theory is alive and well 

Date: February 15, 2002 

Dr. Don H: AHCPR came out in the mid 90's stating the same thing and that the treatment of choice was over the counter medication and spinal manipulation.

No, it didn't. And besides, whatever "manipulation" they did talk about had literally nothing to do with what's unique to "chiropractic" and "Thuh" Adjustment. In fact, the word "chiropractic" isn't even mentioned in the text -- not even as an adjective to "manipulation." For the most part, it's a total misrepresentation to talk about the AHCPR report on acute low back pain as though it had to do with what most chiropractors do and think. And besides, as far as I know, the studies referenced were done by physical therapists.

Dr. Don H: [Was the AHCPR] speculating?

No. They reported that there is SOME good evidence that manipulative therapy (but NOT "chiropractic") occasionally helps SOME patients SOME of the time for SOME presentations of non-peripheralizing acute low back pain. Even in the best case scenario in which a generic manipulative therapy might be provided to this patient population, in a society with limited health care resources, this modest evidence hardly justifies having an entire and separate chiropractic profession. Don't you agree? Why not have physical therapists provide a trial course of manipulative therapy if and when indicated?

Dr. Don H: The agency lost its' ability to set guidlines because the College of Surgeons had a hissy fit and lobbied congress.

That's not true, either. That's a chiropractic rumor born of the profession's narcissism and paranoia and one that you, apparently, were credulous enough to believe and advertise here like any other typical chiropractic meatball trying to "hit-a-home-run" for The Chiropractic.

Dr. Don H: I keep saying this, and I would like someone to set me straight on this, but proving the theory that describes a phenomon to be wrong does not prove the phenonom to be nonexistent.

It doesn't appear that anyone will be able "set [you] straight," Dr. H. More likely, YOU are going to have to state the sort of evidence and argument YOU need to hear such that you will give-up your chiropractic ghost.

For example, it doesn't get more cogent and well articulated than Jorge Romero's "point-by-point" dissection of your empty Subluxationism. To say it landed on "deaf ears" doesn't quite describe the problem, does it. Rather, there's something unlimited and primitive about chiropractoid belief that appears to inform the unending rationalizations we hear from chiropractors that _somehow_ what they think and do has sufficient merit to justify having a chiropractic profession. Well, it doesn't. That said, how likely do you think it is that chiropractors will ever be
"set straight?